Posted: 09/15/21
Due: 10/04/21, 11:55PM
Formulate a short introduction to the problem of tiling space in 2D, 3D, with some typical applications
Classify types of tiling
Implementation of typical tiling approaches
Discussion of your observations on tiling
Julia (1.6.1) session in GNU TeXmacs
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function square(x0,y0) x=[x0,x0+1,x0+1,x0,x0]; y=[y0,y0,y0+1,y0+1,y0]; plot(x,y,"-k"); end; |
∴ |
figure(1); clf(); square(0,0); axis("equal"); |
∴ |
function xtile(m,y) square.(0:m-1,y) end; |
∴ |
clf(); xtile(10,0); axis("equal"); |
∴ |
function tile(m,n) xtile.(m,0:n-1) end; |
∴ |
clf(); tile(8,8); axis("equal"); |
∴ |
savefig("/home/student/courses/MATH089/images/chessboard.eps"); |
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function triangle(x0,y0) x=[x0,x0+1,x0+0.5,x0]; y=[y0,y0,y0+sqrt(3.0)/2,y0]; plot(x,y,"-k"); end; |
∴ |
clf(); triangle(0,0); axis("equal"); |
∴ |
function xtile(m,x,y) triangle.(x:x+m-1,y) end; |
∴ |
clf(); xtile(10,0,0); axis("equal"); |
∴ |
function tile(m,n) xtile.(m,(0:n-1)*0.5,(0:n-1)*sqrt(3.0)/2) end; |
∴ |
clf(); tile(8,8); axis("equal"); |
∴ |
savefig("/home/student/courses/MATH089/images/goboard.eps"); |
∴ |
clf(); triangle(0,0); axis("equal"); |
∴ |
function PlotTri(X) x=[X[1,:]; X[1,1]] y=[X[2,:]; X[2,1]] plot(x,y,"-k"); end; |
∴ |
X=[0 1 0.5; 0 0 sqrt(3)/2]; |
∴ |
clf(); PlotTri(X); axis("equal"); |
∴ |
function TileTri(X) PlotTri(X) Xm = 0.5*(X[:,2]+X[:,3]); R=Xm-X[:,1] Xr = Xm + R; Y=copy(X); Y[:,1]=Xr; PlotTri(Y) Xm = 0.5*(X[:,3]+X[:,1]); R=Xm-X[:,2] Xr = Xm + R; Y=copy(X); Y[:,2]=Xr; PlotTri(Y) Xm = 0.5*(X[:,1]+X[:,2]); R=Xm-X[:,3] Xr = Xm + R; Y=copy(X); Y[:,3]=Xr; PlotTri(Y) end; |
∴ |
clf(); TileTri(X); |
∴ |
function TileTri(X,n) if (n==0) return end PlotTri(X) Xm = 0.5*(X[:,2]+X[:,3]); R=Xm-X[:,1] Xr = Xm + R; Y=copy(X); Y[:,1]=Xr; PlotTri(Y); TileTri(Y,n-1) Xm = 0.5*(X[:,3]+X[:,1]); R=Xm-X[:,2] Xr = Xm + R; Y=copy(X); Y[:,2]=Xr; PlotTri(Y); TileTri(Y,n-1) Xm = 0.5*(X[:,1]+X[:,2]); R=Xm-X[:,3] Xr = Xm + R; Y=copy(X); Y[:,3]=Xr; PlotTri(Y); TileTri(Y,n-1) end; |
∴ |
clf(); TileTri(X,6); |
∴ |
function TileTri(X,n,s) if (n==0) return end PlotTri(X) Xm = 0.5*(X[:,2]+X[:,3]); R=Xm-X[:,1] Xr = Xm + R; Y=copy(X); Y[:,1]=Xr; Yc=(Y[:,1]+Y[:,2]+Y[:,3])/3; Y=s*(Y-Xm)+Xm; PlotTri(Y); TileTri(Y,n-1) Xm = 0.5*(X[:,3]+X[:,1]); R=Xm-X[:,2] Xr = Xm + R; Y=copy(X); Y[:,2]=Xr; Yc=(Y[:,1]+Y[:,2]+Y[:,3])/3; Y=s*(Y-Xm)+Xm; PlotTri(Y); TileTri(Y,n-1) Xm = 0.5*(X[:,1]+X[:,2]); R=Xm-X[:,3] Xr = Xm + R; Y=copy(X); Y[:,3]=Xr; Yc=(Y[:,1]+Y[:,2]+Y[:,3])/3; Y=s*(Y-Xm)+Xm; PlotTri(Y); TileTri(Y,n-1) end; |
∴ |
clf(); TileTri(X,3,1.0/3.0) |
DimensionMismatch("dimensions must match: a has dims
(Base.OneTo(2), Base.OneTo(3)), must have singleton at dim
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function cube(x0,y0,z0,c) h=0.025; x=[x0+h; x0+1-h; x0+1-h; x0+h; x0+h] y=[y0+h; y0+h; y0+1-h; y0+1-h; y0+h] z=ones(5)*(z0+h) plot3D(x,y,z,c); plot3D(x,y,z.+(1-h),c); x=ones(5)*(x0+h) y=[y0+h; y0+h; y0+1-h; y0+1-h; y0+h] z=[z0+h; z0+1-h; z0+1-h; z0+h; z0+h] plot3D(x,y,z,c); plot3D(x.+(1-h),y,z,c); end; |
∴ |
clf(); cube(0,0,0,"g"); cube(1,0,0,"r"); |
∴ |
function xtile(x0,y0,z0,m,c) cube.((0:m-1).+x0,y0,z0,c) end; |
∴ |
clf(); xtile(0,0,0,5,"r"); |
∴ |
function xytile(x0,y0,z0,m,n,c) xtile.(x0,(0:n-1).+y0,z0,m,c) end; |
∴ |
clf(); xytile(0,0,0,5,5,"r"); |
∴ |
function xyztile(x0,y0,z0,m,n,p,c) xytile.(x0,y0,(0:p-1).+z0,m,n,c) end; |
∴ |
clf(); xyztile(0,0,0,5,5,5,"g"); |
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Define a function to draw a tetrahedron given the coordinates of its four vertices
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function PlotTet(X) for k=0:3 PlotTri3D( circshift(X,(0,k))[:,1:3] ) end end; |
Define a function to draw each face triangle in 3D
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function PlotTri3D(X) for k=0:2 Y=circshift(X,(0,k))[:,1:2] x=Y[1,:]; y=Y[2,:]; z=Y[3,:] plot3D(x,y,z,"-k") end end; |
Test the trianle drawing function
∴ |
X=[1 0 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 1]; |
∴ |
clf(); PlotTri3D(X); |
∴ |
BaseDir="/home/student/courses/MATH089/images/"; |
∴ |
savefig(BaseDir*"P02FigTri.eps"); |
∴ |
Test the tetrahedron drawing function
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s3=sqrt(3); s23=sqrt(2/3); s13=sqrt(1/3); |
∴ |
T=[0 0 -0.5 0.5; 0 s3/3 -s3/6 -s3/6; s23 -s13 -s13 -s13]; |
∴ |
clf(); PlotTet(T); |
∴ |
savefig(BaseDir*"P02FigTet.eps"); |
∴ |
Define a function t otile 3D-space by tetrahedra
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function TileTet(X,n) end; |
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Repeated subdivision of polygon edges combined with geometric transformations can lead to non-intuitive results. Consider the process depicted in Fig. 4, described mathematically by taking the coordinates
forming the end-to-end vector
and drawing as output four line segments, that are modifications of by scaling and rotation
The above is implemented in the ScRot function:
Julia (1.6.1) session in GNU TeXmacs
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function ScRot(X0, s, θ, R) X0 + s*[cos(θ) -sin(θ); sin(θ) cos(θ)]*R end; |
∴ |
ScRot([1; 0], 1/3, π/3, [1; 0]) |
∴ |
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function PlotSeg(X) end function |
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function star(x0,y0,c) b0=0.5; z=0.0 c0=sqrt(3.0); c1=c0/3; c2=c0/6 x = [z,b0,-b0,z] y = [c1,-c2,-c2,c1] plot(x,y,c,x,-y,c); end; |
∴ |
clf(); star(0,0,"r-"); axis("equal"); |
∴ |
star(0,0,"w-"); |
∴ |
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function Koch(m) end; |
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